The most productive way to send your certified mail
The old fashion way of preparing certified mail required filling out forms by hand, filing the receipts, and waiting days or sometimes months for green cards to be returned in the mail after delivery. cloud base interface makes it easy to navigate. Our system allows users to create a single piece or a batch of pieces with just a few clicks from anywhere, at any time. Allow others to create mail pieces by adding as many users as you need. Generate reports and track instantly to analyze piece details and history.

Electronic return receipt saves you money. Save $1.33 on every piece you send by switching to the electronic return receipt.

Tracking USPS certified return receipt mail pieces required manually entering long tracking numbers, and retrieving a signature card required digging through cabinets with hundreds files. Electronic Certified allows you to easily locate, view, and download your electronic return receipts. All files are securely stored in the cloud and accessible from anywhere, at any time.